Best Angularjs Training in Chandigarh

Learn Angular Training Course
4.8 (94 ratings)

Empower Your Future with NetMax's AngularJS Training

Looking for the best AngularJS training institute in Chandigarh? NetMax Technologies offers a comprehensive and industry-relevant AngularJS course as our expert trainers provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on practice, ensuring you master Angular concepts through daily assignments as well as real-world projects. So, join us to become proficient in this powerful framework and unlock new career opportunities.”


AngularJS lab

Angular Course Overview

  • Introduction to Web Design, UI & UX
  • Introduction to HTML
  • Editors for Coding
  • HTML ELEMENTS & Attributes
  • BLOCK & INLINE Elements
  • HTML Symbols
  • HTML Forms
  • Input Types & attributes
  • Introduction to CSS
  • Id, Class & Tag Selector
  • Typography (em & rem)
  • Borders & Spacing
  • Flex & Float
  • Positions
  • Pseudu Classes & Pseudo Elements
  • Css Transformation & Animation
  • Media Tags, Embed & Fonts
  • Media Queries
  • Downloading & Linking Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Tables & Forms
  • Navigation
  • Cards, Dropdown & Toggle
  • Inputs & Buttons
  • Progress Bars & Spinners
  • Carousel & Modals
  • Introduction to Javascript
  • How To Add Javascript
  • Variables & Datatypes
  • Javascript Functions Basics
  • Events
  • Arrays & Array Methods
  • Objects & Object Functions
  • Date & Math Object
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops
  • Regular Expressions
  • Client Side Validations
  • Introduction to Angular 2
  • AngularJs vs Angular 2
  • Architecture of Angular Apps
  • Installing GIT and Node
  • Setting Up Angular for Project
  • CLI and Troubleshooting
  • Module Introduction
  • Understanding the app module
  • Core Module
  • Feature Modules
  • Registering Routes in Feature Module
  • Shared Modules
  • How Modules and Services Work Together
  • Introduction to Components
  • Splitting Apps into Components
  • Event Binding
  • Binding to Custom Events
  • Understanding View Encapsulation
  • Local References in Templates
  • Lifecycle Hooks
  • Passing Data with Event and Property Binding 
  • Binding Syntax
  • Two way Data Binding
  • Property and Event Binding
  • Attributes, Style and Class Binding
  • Forms
  • Template Driven Forms vs Reactive
  • Reactive setup
  • Ng Form & ng Model Group
  • Validating Forms
  • Introduction to Directive
  • ngfor and ngif
  • Basic Attribute Directive
  • Renderer
  • Hostlistner and Hostbinding
  • Binding to Directive Properties
  • Introduction to Routing
  • Configuring Routes
  • Router outlet & Router Link
  • Router Parameters
  • Navigating Programmatically
  • Passing query parameters and fragments
  • Protecting routes with canActive
  • Controlling Navigation with canDeactivate
  • Why need Services?
  • Creating Logging Service
  • Creating data ServiceJson Placeholder
  • CRUD operations
  • Seperation of concerns
  • Extracting Service
  • Error Handling
  • Extracting a Reusable Data Service
  • Hierarchical injector
  • Injecting service into service
  • Understanding Importance refactoring
  • Creating reusable components
  • Implementing Dependency Injection to
    consume a component
  • Implementing Promise pattern

Description :

MVC Model-View-Controller

Angular is constructed on the concept of Model-View-Controller. MVC layout design is used in every contemporary day network software. It is built on the concept of data layer splitting, the business logic layer along with the dispensing layer towards a new distinct section and leads every layer to be separately controlled because they are divided among specific sections.
Data model binding
One doesn’t need to write a different code to tie records to HTML controls since it can be done by using angular by including a few snippets to code.
Code efficiency
Angular requires very little code for DOM manipulation. Therefore , it is broken so users load the required code only to view the request.
Unit testing
A framework named “karma” is developed by a designer that enables designing unit checks of angular programs.

Who can Learn Angular Js Course

Anyone who is interested in web development can learn AngularJS training in Chandigarh. Here are some groups of people who might benefit from learning AngularJS:

  • Students and Beginners

  • Frontend Developers

  • Back-End Developers

  • UI/UX Designers

  • Freelancers and Entrepreneurs

  • Career Switchers

  • Technical Product Managers

Course Features:

Tool Covered

Future Scope of AngularJS Training in Chandigarh :

Benefits of AngularJs Course

Here are some of the benefits which you will enjoy after completing the AngularJs Course-

Job Opportunities

AngularJs is one of the fields which has never ending demand in the IT sector. Career opportunities after AngularJs Course

Companies using AngularJs framework

The front-end framework makes it simple and affordable to create data-driven and customer-focused applications. AngularJS is used to build a number of well-known websites and services, including Udemy, Cricbuzz,  Snapchat, Amazon, Netflix, Upwork,, and YouTube .

Why Choose Netmax for AngularJs Course in Chandigarh

Experienced Trainer Icon
Certified Faculty

NetMax is providing expert training from last 23 years. The training is delivered by professional engineers who are experienced and certified

Latest Curriculum

We constantly keep updating our curriculum to provide best possible course & include latest topics like

Infrastructure Icon
Best Infrastructure

Labs are well equipped with laptops, computers and Air conditioner.

Certificate Icon
Prepare For Certification

We help students to prepare for the certification exam with mock tests and lab simulation for the better understanding of exam format.

Practical Training
100% Practical Training

NetMax covers 100% practicals with Live projects making best place to learn and enhance your career

Meeting Icon
Job Interviews

At the completion of the course, students are prepared for jobs, and mock interviews are conducted.

Our Student's Reviews

Nikita Gupta
Nikita Gupta
I have done data science course from here, and I have learned about technologies like pyhton,Ml,Dl and about database, the way of teaching and doubt clearing is very good and they teach you how to make projects by using these technologies.
Amazing experience learning python here. The staff and faculty are really helpful.
Sukh Banwait
Sukh Banwait
Best training institute for data science highly recommended,also lot of mnc companies come there for hiring python candidates .
Lovica Narang
Lovica Narang
My experience of learning here was good
Ritik Ramesh
Ritik Ramesh
I had enrolled myself in NetMax Institute in Feb, 2023. NetaMax helped to learn and improve my analytical skills as well in Research. Now I am in internship in Alied Analytics, Pune. Great to have amazing guidance and teachers! Friendly Behavior!!
Akshat Sharma
Akshat Sharma
One of the best institute in Chandigarh, for any kind of web development course
Muskan Verma
Muskan Verma
Learning at netmax institute was very much satisfied ,every student get good placement at well reputed companies.Netmax institute provides us internship for better future and experience. Here faculties who are very educated and knowledgeable and experienced. They are very helpful and understandable well communication.
Karan Bhardwaj
Karan Bhardwaj
I have done Web Development in Python and Djnago framework.. faculties are helpful and training institute in chandigarh
Aditi Sharma
Aditi Sharma
Excellent teaching and coordinating faculty


AngularJS is a JavaScript framework developed by Google for building dynamic web applications. It allows developers to use HTML as a template language and extend HTML’s syntax to express application components clearly.

  • Two-way data binding
  • Dependency injection
  • Directives
  • Templates
  • MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture

Two-way data binding is a feature of AngularJS that automatically synchronizes the data between the model (JavaScript objects) and the view (HTML elements). Changes in the model update the view, and changes in the view update the model without the need for manual intervention.

Templates in AngularJS are HTML files that contain additional markup and AngularJS-specific elements (directives and expressions). These templates are combined with information from the model and controller to render dynamic views in the browser.

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern in which components are given their dependencies instead of creating them internally. AngularJS has its built-in dependency injection subsystem, which helps manage the dependencies of different components.

Directives are markers on a DOM element that tell AngularJS’s HTML compiler ($compile) to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children. Examples include ng-model, ng-bind, ng-repeat, etc.

AngularJS, also known as Angular 1.x, is the original version of the framework. Angular, also known as Angular 2 and above, is a complete rewrite of AngularJS, with significant changes in architecture and performance.

AngularJS provides a built-in routing mechanism using the ngRoute module. It allows developers to define routes and associate each route with a specific template and controller. When a user navigates to a defined route, AngularJS loads the associated template and controller, updating the view accordingly.


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