Data Structure Training In Chandigarh

Covers Arrays , Link List, Stack, Queue, Algorithms, Hashing and Sorting

4.8 (322 ratings)

Data Structure Training In Chandigarh

Data structure is a crucial part of any programming language and software development process. In the Data Structure Training in Chandigarh provided by Netmax Technologies, participants get to learn and understand various data structures and master algorithm designing skills.
The data structure course covers arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. Sorting and searching algorithms are also covered, followed with exercises and coding sessions. The course duration is six weeks, after which each student is expected to be familiar with most of the data structure used in networking, database systems, and operations systems.

What will you learn

This Course includes :

Data Structure Course Overview

  • 1 Dimensional
  • 2 Dimensional
  • Declaration , Initialisation
  • Creation
  •  Traversal
  • Insertion
  • Delete an Element From Array
  • Practice Questions of Array
  •  Advantages, Disadvantages
  • Applications of Array
  • Array vs. LinkList
  • Singly Linked List
  • Creation & Traversal
  •  Insertion(Beginning ,End, Specific Position)
  •  Deletion(Beginning ,End, Specific Position)
  • Circular Linked List – Creation & Traversal
  • Circular Linked List – Insertion(Beginning ,End, Specific Position)
  •  Circular Linked List – Deletion(Beginning ,End, Specific Position)
  • Doubly LinkedList- Creation & Traversal
  • Doubly Linked List – Insertion of a Node ( in Beginning ,End, Given Location)
  •  Doubly Linked List – Deletion of a Node ( from Beginning ,End, Given Location)
  •  LinkedList Practice Questions
  •  Stack Operations -Push Pop
  •  Stack using Array
  • Stack using LinkedList
  •  Examples
  •  Enqueue, Dequeue | Applications
  •  Queue Data Structure using Arrays
  • Queue Data Structure using LinkedList
  •  Queue Data Structure using LinkedList
  •  Priority Queue
  • Types of Binary Tree
  •  Binary Tree Practice Questions
  • Recursion
  • Binary Tree Traversal
  •  Inorder , Preorder , Postorder
  •  Construct Binary Tree from Postorder & Inorder , Preorder & Inorder Traversal
  • Binary Tree Traversal
  • Types , Terminologies
  • Graphs Representation in Data Structures
  •  Adjacency Matrix
  • Adjacency List
  •  Multi List
  • Graph Traversal- BFS (Breadth First Search)
  • Graph Traversal- DFS (Depth First Search)
  • Array Insertion Operation
  •  Array Deletion Operation
  • Array Traversal
  • Linkedlist Insertion Operation
  • Linkedlist Deletion Operation
  •  Linkedlist Traversal
  •  Stack Time Complexity
  • Queue Time Complexity
     Binary Search Tree Time Complexity
Course Features:

Classification of Data Structure

Why Choose NetMax for Data Structure Course in Chandigarh

Experienced Trainer Icon
Certified Faculty

NetMax is providing expert training from last 23 years. The training is delivered by professional engineers who are experienced and certified

Latest Curriculum

We constantly keep updating our curriculum to provide best possible course & include latest topics

Best Infrastructure

Labs are well equipped with laptops, computers and Air conditioner.

Certificate Icon
Prepare For Certification

We help students to prepare for the certification exam with mock tests and lab simulation for the better understanding of exam format.

Practical Training
100% Practical Training

NetMax covers 100% practicals with Live projects making best place to learn and enhance your career

Meeting Icon
Job Interviews

At the completion of the course, students are prepared for jobs, and mock interviews are conducted.

Our Student's Reviews

Nikita Gupta
Nikita Gupta
I have done data science course from here, and I have learned about technologies like pyhton,Ml,Dl and about database, the way of teaching and doubt clearing is very good and they teach you how to make projects by using these technologies.
Amazing experience learning python here. The staff and faculty are really helpful.
Sukh Banwait
Sukh Banwait
Best training institute for data science highly recommended,also lot of mnc companies come there for hiring python candidates .
Lovica Narang
Lovica Narang
My experience of learning here was good
Ritik Ramesh
Ritik Ramesh
I had enrolled myself in NetMax Institute in Feb, 2023. NetaMax helped to learn and improve my analytical skills as well in Research. Now I am in internship in Alied Analytics, Pune. Great to have amazing guidance and teachers! Friendly Behavior!!
Akshat Sharma
Akshat Sharma
One of the best institute in Chandigarh, for any kind of web development course
Muskan Verma
Muskan Verma
Learning at netmax institute was very much satisfied ,every student get good placement at well reputed companies.Netmax institute provides us internship for better future and experience. Here faculties who are very educated and knowledgeable and experienced. They are very helpful and understandable well communication.
Karan Bhardwaj
Karan Bhardwaj
I have done Web Development in Python and Djnago framework.. faculties are helpful and training institute in chandigarh
Aditi Sharma
Aditi Sharma
Excellent teaching and coordinating faculty

Frequent Asked Questions

Data structures are methods of organizing and storing data in a computer so that it can be accessed and used efficiently. They are essential because they determine how effectively data can be stored, retrieved, and manipulated, thereby impacting the performance of algorithms and overall system efficiency.

Common types of data structures include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, hash tables, and heaps.

Arrays offer constant-time access to elements by index, making them efficient for random access operations. They also provide compact storage and support operations like iteration and slicing.

  • The choice of data structure depends on factors like the type of operations needed, their frequency, memory constraints, and performance requirements. For example, if you need fast insertion and deletion operations, you might choose a linked list or a hash table, whereas if you need fast retrieval of elements by index, an array might be more suitable.


the future of data structures is closely tied to advancements in technology, changing data processing requirements, and emerging application domains. By staying abreast of these trends and continuously innovating, data structure researchers and practitioners can ensure that data structures remain relevant and effective in addressing the evolving needs of the digital age.


Linear data structures organize elements in a sequential manner where each element has a unique predecessor and successor, like arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues. Non-linear data structures, such as trees and graphs, allow elements to have multiple predecessors and successors, forming hierarchical or interconnected relationships.


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